Pay your TVS dues here

Joining the TVS is a two step process. If you haven't already done so, you must first fill out the application form, which gives us information about you such as your name and email address. Then you can fill out the form below to pay dues, arrange for access to H2O, and/or make a contribution to the TVS. Returning members can also use this form to renew their membership and/or choose new options. If you would rather not use PayPal, you can click here to download an application form in PDF format. Then mail the form along with a check to Tri-Valley Stargazers, P.O. Box 2476, Livermore, CA 94551-2476.

Complete your application by paying dues

Thank you for submitting your membership application form. Before your application is complete, you must still pay dues. You can do this by filling out the form below, where you can also arrange for access to H2O, and/or make a contribution to the TVS. If you would rather not use PayPal, you can click here to download an application form in PDF format. Then mail the form along with a check to Tri-Valley Stargazers, P.O. Box 2476, Livermore, CA 94551-2476.

Warning: your application will not be processed until we receive your payment!

Regular membership costs $30. Student membership costs $10. (Must be a full time high-school or college student.) Patron membership costs $100, which allows you access to the club's 17.5" telescope. Patron membership is available to those who have been TVS members for at least a year, and they must be a key holder. All members will receive an email notification when the PDF version of the newsletter is available for viewing on the newsletter web page.

Note: Patron Membership will not be available until our observatory is reconstructed
This is a $10 fee, which must be paid every year in order to access the club's H2O dark sky observing site. Access to H2O is only available to club members. You will also need a key to the site and the combination to a lock. Patron membership does not include this fee; so be sure to order it too.
This is a refundable $20 deposit for the key that you will need to be able to access the club's H2O dark sky observing site. You must be a TVS member before you can get a key. You will also need to have heard an orientation lecture, and you will have to sign a key agreement form. You do not need to pay for this every year.
Donations are always welcome. We will use donations to support club activities and help maintain our club's H2O dark sky observing site.
Use this to pay for other things that aren't covered above. For example you can pay here for RASC handbooks and calendars, TVS logo wine glasses, etc. Be sure to fill in the explanation so we know what this payment is for.