About the Del Valle observing site
The East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) has granted TVS a Special Usage Agreement which allows regular and patron club members in good standing and their guests to observe at a specified hilltop location within the park any night of the year beyond the 10:00 PM curfew and until daybreak. While this site is not as dark as our Hidden Hill Observatory observing site, it is much closer to Livermore, and therefore more convenient. To access the Del Valle site, you need to fill out and sign the user agreement below and submit it to the club. The agreement can also be found in a PDF file. You must also notify the East Bay Parks every time you intend to use Del Valle.Here is the Clear Sky Chart for the Del Valle observing site:

Notifying Del Valle Parks
You must notify East Bay Parks when you intend to use Del Valle. Please send one copy of your email to each of the following:- Park Supervisor Rick Parente rparente@ebparks.org
- Del Valle Operations dvpark@ebparks.org
- Dispatch dispatch@ebparks.org
Del Valle User Agreement
In exchange for the opportunity to use the Del Valle observing site, I agree to:-
Notify the Del Valle Park Staff, by email, of my intention to observe at the site, estimated arrival
and departure times and the number of vehicles in my group by no later than noon of the day of
my visit (preferably 24 hours in advance)
o Park Supervisor Rick Parente rparente@ebparks.org
o Del Valle Operations dvpark@ebparks.org
o Dispatch dispatch@ebparks.org
- Verify that there is no Red Flag Warning posted for Del Valle at the fire warning web site.
- Coordinate observing activities with others using the Del Valle site using a "Person-in-Charge" protocol (see below)
- Lock the gate behind me after entering the observing site. The gate is secured with a daisy-chain of locks, and the TVS lock is the only combination lock. I will never dummy-lock the gate.
- Never give the lock combination to the site to anyone, including other club members; only board members are authorized to do so.
- Drive slowly and carefully while in the park to avoid raising any dust from the dirt road.
- If ten (10) vehicles are already at the site, I will park my vehicle outside the gate along the paved road to Del Valle Park.
- Set up at the observing site next to the fork in the fire road (about 1/4 mile from the gate) and park alongside the road, leaving adequate room for emergency vehicles to pass at all times. I won't park on top of any tall, dry grass to avoid accidentally starting a fire.
Abide by all the rules established by TVS and EBRPD for the use of the site. I agree that these rules may be
changed by TVS or EBRPD at any time. A complete listing of the EBRPD rules can be found
In particular, these include:
- Absolutely no smoking or fires of any kind
- No littering
- No loud noises or music
- No alcoholic beverages
- Always personally escort any guests to and from the site and remain with them at all times while at the site.
- Be responsible for ensuring that my guests abide by all the TVS and EBRPD rules while visiting the site.
- Lock the gate behind me after leaving the observing site.
- Carry a copy of this Agreement, counter-signed by the TVS Del Valle Coordinator or officer, with me while I am at the site.
- Print Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________
- Email: ___________________________________________________
- Mobile phone number (for emergency contact): ____________________________________________
- Signature: ________________________________________________
- Approved by: _______________________________________________________________________
- Email to our Del Valle as a signed document, or
- Mail to Tri-Valley Stargazers, P.O. Box 2476, Livermore CA 94551, or
- Bring it to a regular TVS general meeting and hand it to an officer of the Club.