About Us

Our Mission

The Tri-Valley Stargazers (TVS) is an amateur astronomy club based in Livermore, California with members from throughout the Tri-Valley and surrounding communities. The club's mission is to bring together individuals interested in astronomy, to provide opportunities for them to develop their skills and knowledge in astronomy and related subjects, and to promote education and public interest in astronomy. TVS is a registered non-profit organization and is entirely run by volunteers. Our Tax Identification Number is 68-0243508, and you can reach us at P.O. Box 2476, Livermore, CA 94551.

Club Meetings

TVS holds club meetings on the third Friday of every month at the Unitarian Universalist Church at 1893 North Vasco Road in Livermore. Most meetings start at 7:30 PM and include updates on club activities, short presentations by club members, a featured presentation by an invited speaker, and conclude with refreshments and conversation. Invited speakers have come from organizations such as NASA, UC Berkeley, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The TVS club meetings are always open to the public.

In lieu of a lecture meeting, we usually hold a barbecue during one of the summer club meetings and a potluck dinner during the December meeting. These meetings start at 7:00 PM and are devoted to good food and conversation.

The TVS board of directors meets every month on the Monday following the general club meeting. Board meetings are open to all club members.

More details about upcoming TVS meetings can be found on our home page.

Public star parties

TVS holds star parties throughout the year for the benefit of a wide variety of educational and recreational groups, such as ranger led programs at public parks, elementary and middle school science fairs, boys and girls organizations, and foundations supporting numerous charitable causes. These events are an opportunity for our members to share their enthusiasm for the night sky with the public and to promote amateur astronomy. If you are interested in having TVS come to your school or group, sending email .


Membership in TVS is open to anyone with an interest in astronomy. Members enjoy a wide variety of benefits, such as access to the club's two dark-sky observing sites. To learn more about club membership and its benefits, click here. You can reach us by sending mail to P.O. Box 2476, Livermore, CA, 94551-2476, or by sending email .

TVS supports the following organizations