Observing Programs


We offer several observing programs to TVS club members. These programs are designed to help you improve your observing skills and familiarity with the best deep-sky objects in the sky during each season. If you complete a program, it should make you more comfortable in participating in the club's outreach events and prepare you for participating in the Astronomical League's more extensive observing programs. Our programs are designed to be completed by an individual in a single season. Some programs may require a 4-inch or greater telescope. Certificates will be awarded to members who complete a program.

Available programs

Summer program
Autumn program
Winter program
Spring program

Observing Techniques

Many of our programs require that you record information about how good the seeing and sky transparency were. There are many ways to do this, but you can read here for simple techniques that are suitable for our programs.

Also do not overlook the resources on the Internet for learning about astronomy, telescopes and how to expand your skills. Observing is a particular skill required for astronomy and must be developed, this includes the ability to see features that may be fleeting when you do direct observation. We recommend that you use Internet to research each object in a program before doing your own observations. Online images are spectacular in comparison to what you'll see in a smaller aperture however you may be able to see many of the same features - outer stars may be resolved when looking at globular clusters, the colors of Albireo will be more apparent after you've prepared yourself, the dimensions of a lunar crater can be appreciated after you've researched it online. Prepare yourself for the differences of what you see in a Hubble image and what you observe yourself and understand why. Look for the small features and you'll learn to see the features acquired from large instruments. Get inspired!


To complete our programs, you will need to submit a log of what you saw and the conditions for your observations. We provide logs in Excel format and PDF format as one way for you to do this, and you can read here for ideas on what information to include.


We have created a number of observing programs for exploring the night skies. These activities are selected for seasonal observations as well as introductory activities paralleling the Astronomical League and other astronomy club programs. When you complete one of the programs you may submit your observations to the TVS for their review and award recognition.

We recognize those who have completed these programs in the following Honor Role and their certificate of completion number:


Cert # Recipient Date Awarded
#1 Jenny Siders July 19, 2020
#2 Ron Kane July 19, 2020
#3 Roland Albers July 22,2020
#4 Ross Gaunt July 27, 2020
#5 Ken Sperber August 11, 2020
#6 Dennis Beckley August 27, 2020
#7 John Barclay July 15,2022
#8 Imaging and Sketching Maria Razbash and Vladimir Afanasiev June 8, 2024
#9 Johnathan Bailey July 18,2024


Cert # Recipient Date Awarded
#1 Ross Gaunt October 16, 2020
#2 Roland Albers October 23, 2020
#3 Ron Kane November 17, 2020
#4 Dennis Beckley November, 22, 2020
#5 Ken Sperber November 30, 2020
#6 Maria Razbash and Vladimir Afanasiev July 9, 2024
#7 Johnathan Bailey October 4,2024


Cert # Recipient Date Awarded
#1 with 4 Bonus Stars Ross Gaunt January 18, 2021
#2 with 1 Bonus Star Ron Kane February 6, 2021
#3 with 4 Bonus Stars Dennis Beckley February 28, 2021
#4 with 4 Bonus Stars Roland Albers January 29, 2022
#5 with 2 Bonus Stars - 2nd Award Ron Kane March 2, 2022
#6 with 4 Bonus Stars +1 for Imaging Maria Razbash and Vladimir Afanasiev March 26, 2024
#7 With 4 Bonus Stars Johnathan Bailey February 1, 2025


Cert # Recipient Date Awarded
#1 with 3 of 3 Bonus Stars Dennis Beckley April 5, 2021
#2 with 3 of 3 Bonus Stars Ross Gaunt April 12, 2021
#3 with 3 of 3 Bonus Stars Ron Kane May 3, 2021
#4 with 3 of 3 Bonus Stars Roland Albers May 8, 2021
#5 with 3 of 3 Bonus Stars John Barclay May 9, 2022
#6 Second Award Ron Kane May 12, 2022
#7 Third Award / 3 Bonus All Imaging Ron Kane May 10, 2023
#8 with 3 Bonus Stars All Imaging Maria Razbash and Vladimir Afanasiev April 28, 2024