Club News and Notes

(Continued from page 5)

TVS welcomes new members

   Recently TVS grew by two families and two individuals. Please help us welcome the Vijay Gadad Family, the Joe DiRegolo Family, Richard Leirer, and Robert Bariteau. Be sure to introduce yourself at the next general meeting on May 11.

AANC thanks the club

   As you probably saw on the previous page, TVS both supported and enjoyed last month's amateur astronomy conference. We recently received a letter of thanks from AANC president Jane Houston Jones, acknowledging our contribution. We owe a debt of thanks to our own past president, Dave Anderson, for his personal dedication to making the conference a success. Not only did he pick up John Dobson at the airport, but he also designed the Indoor Messier Marathon forms used so successfully in the Ask Jeeves Planetarium. On the day of the conference, Dave seemed to be in a half dozen places at once -- doing innumerable chores. Thanks, Dave!

Help Wanted: TVS Editor

This newsletter seeks a new editor, pronto! For at least the next six months, Alane will be unable to edit Prime Focus. We need someone who can collect club news and write the articles from July through December of this year. Sure, the pay is lousy, but the job satisfaction is unbeatable.
   If you have ever felt the urge to put pen to paper, or you have considered other directions for the newsletter, now is your chance. We currently produce
Prime Focus in two versions, print and electronic. Signe and Jim McIntire handle the mailing and distribution, so the editor need not worry about stamps and staples. (Thank you, Signe and Jim.) Dave Anderson provides each month's "What's Up," and much of the content comes from the board meeting. To volunteer for this great position, contact president Chuck Grant at charleswgrant, or Alane Alchorn at 925/455-9464 or circlewing

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