AANC announces its conference date and theme by Jane Houston Jones
April 7, 2001 is the date for the annual one-day conference sponsored by the Astronomical Association of Northern California (AANC). This year, the event will be held at the new Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland. The theme, "Northern California Astronomy Club Conference," will help local astronomy clubs promote their activities, and will give club leaders the opportunity to exchange ideas and get to know each other.
Astronomy clubs from all over Northern California will give brief presentations of their unique club activities and programs. Attendees will learn about the restorations of the telescopes named Rachel and Leah, and the transit telescope. The schedule allows plenty of time to check out the new Chabot, of course! Those attending will receive a ticket for the planetarium show, and some of the day's events will take place in the planetarium. There will be workshops for astronomy club newsletters, and much more, as well as a speaker or two. One special planned feature will be the inaugural Full Moon Daytime Indoor Messier Marathon, using the Ask Jeeves Planetarium Zeiss Universarium Mark VIII star-ball projector (and binoculars).
Pre-registration by April 1 is $20 for adults, $10 for ages 10-18. Registration is available at the door for $25. More information is available at www.aanc-astronomy.org. For specific information about Chabot Space and Science Center, including directions, please visit the website www.cosc.org/default.htm.