Under these Australian Skies, or my winter vacation in August
Chuck Grant
So I went to Australia. It wasn't my idea really, I had to go for work. Not that I didn't want to go, I thought it was a great idea, especially the part about not having to pay for it myself, but I wouldn't have picked the end of winter, and just before the 2000 Olympics. Luckily, I would be there for a New Moon. I had some goals for the trip. I wanted to hook up with an astronomy club and use a telescope while down there for at least one night. I wanted to see lots of sights and exotic wildlife and ride some trains, and I wanted to get a little feel for what it would be like to live in Australia. I think I made it.
I kind of had the whole schedule of the trip in limbo depending on the weather. I was willing to ditch any part at the last minute if it looked like that was going to be my only chance to observe. I had two weekends scheduled for observing, and as it turned out, the very first night made the whole trip worthwhile.
One of the first things I do when I arrive is look up Sydney's Binocular and Telescope Shop (http://www.bintel.com.au). It is on a street one block away from my hotel, and the street numbers differ by only about 400, so I think it is about five blocks away and I set out walking. Before too long I figure out that street numbers work a little differently in this city. A difference of 400 means not four blocks, but about 400 different addresses between here and there.
An hour later, I make it to the shop. I am warmly greeted by Mike Smith, the proprietor, while Don Whiteman is talking eyepieces with a customer. (I had conversed with Mike via email previously.) They are extremely friendly, and I load up with books about the southern sky. After chatting a bit, they seem to be shocked that my main telescope is only 24 inches, and it takes me a few seconds too long before I can