Hidden Hill schedule to be published in January newsletter At the October 15 plenary session, the board discussed improvements for the observatory and an expanded 2001 schedule of club events and public star parties. Once the new board has been seated, the 2001 open house schedule will be announced.
After the holidays, we anticipate receiving requests from local primary-grade teachers. Please consider sharing your telescope and a little bit of your time with youngsters eager to explore amateur astronomy. Phil Waide coordinates the club effort to provide scopes and expertise at school star parties. Contact him at waide1@llnl.gov to see what you can do to support this TVS program.
Cash conjunctions
At the October 23 planning meeting, treasurer Mike Anderson reported our financial standing as follows.
Checking $2,137.83 CD #1 $3,646.00 matures 11/17/00 CD #2 $2,847.60 matures 1/6/01 CD #3 $2,252.22 matures 11/27/00
CD #2 holds the club's dark sky site key deposits against claim by members who surrender keys. Additionally, the checking account will be reduced by the cost of printing the November newsletter.
Renewal period opens for 2001
We are now accepting membership renewals for 2001. Club dues will remain at the same levels as those set for 2000, at least for the next two months. The board is considering completely revamping the membership structures and levels, but will honor all renewals and applications received under the current schedule until a new one is announced. Watch future editions of Prime Focus for updates on membership levels. (Continued on page 5)
President Dave Anderson 510/ 661-4249
Vice-President Frank Rogue
Secretary Marilyn Halberg
Treasurer Mike Anderson andersonm @prodigy.net
Directors Alane Alchorn Dennis Beckley Jon Clark Rich Combs Debbie Dyke Gert Gottschalk Chuck Grant Kathleen Kelley Signe McIntire Dave Rodrigues Debbie Scherrer Mike Rushford Al Stern Norm Thomas Phil Waide
Tri-Valley Stargazers P.O. Box 2476 Livermore, CA 94551 Membership: 231
Tri Valley Stargazers holds this space in anticipation of a new production sponsor. Do you work for a firm that would be willing to support amateur astronomy in the public interest?