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Hot topics
At the last few planning meetings, the board has grappled with a five specific weighty issues.

  • Changing the general meeting program so that the evening ends earlier, without dropping any of our regular agenda items.
  • Outfitting one of the loaner scopes with a safe and foolproof solar filter for day star observing.
  • Providing the club with a liability and accident insurance policy.
  • Joining the Astronomical League, specifically for protection under its umbrella, but also for the AL benefits to members.
  • Maintaining and upgrading the dark sky site.

Changing the general meeting program
The board recognizes that general meetings now run uncomfortably long for many members. We hate to lose you  at the break! How can we restructure the meetings, yet preserve the featured speaker's lead-off slot.



Outfitting a loaner scope for solar observing
Some members would like to rent a solar filter-fitted scope for day star observing. The board is concerned about the potential liability resulting from accidental misuse of such a scope. Can you recommend ways to make this a safe addition to the rental program, or shall we scrap the idea?



Providing insurance for TVS activities and locations
In an increasingly litigious age, the board wishes to protect club assets and activities. Membership in the Astronomical League would allow us to purchase insurance. Other policies must also be available from private carriers. Can you suggest persons we might contact to better educate us on this matter?


Joining the Astronomical League
In addition to its club liability insurance umbrella, AL offers a range of services that could benefit some TVS members. Are you already an AL member through another club? (Where?) Should TVS join the League?


Maintaining and upgrading the dark sky site
What improvements or upgrades should we make at Hidden Hill Observatory ?


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