Book Reports  Chris Cody

To inform TVS members of new library acquisitions, and to share new information pertinent to the library, we have started this library news column. Additionally, this column hosts book reviews. You may offer a review of a recently read volume, or let us know about a book you would like to have someone else review.

New library resources for children
Club director Debbie Scherrer has compiled a bibliography of astronomy resource materials for children. It is listed on the references web page, accessible from the library home page via our web site URL on page 2.

Check under your bed, in the laundry hamper, or in the cat's basket
Several books have been checked out for more than six months. This makes it difficult for other members to borrow these books. (I, too, have been known to put a book I wanted to read on my desk, only to have it covered in an avalanche of mail, magazines, and other projects.) At the next general meeting, please scan the list of borrowed books. If you have an overdue book on the list try to locate it, so we can all enjoy it.

Calling Bill Bernap!
I am trying to reach Bill Bernap to discuss a few library matters with him. Unfortunately, he has moved and changed phone numbers. Bill, if you are reading this, please call me at 707/747-6550. If another member knows how to reach Bill, please let me know.

New books
We have bought two copies of Deep Sky Companions: The Messier Objects by Stephen O'Meara, two copies The Year-Round Messier Marathon Field Guide by H. C. Pennington, and one additional copy of The Messier Marathon Observer's Guide by Don Machholz. Don recently donated two signed and dedicated copies of The Messier Marathon Observer's Guide, and one similar copy of the Hale-Bopp Guide. Look for them at the next meeting! Paul Laughton donated 38 years of Sky and Telescope. THANK YOU PAUL!!!

We need a new laptop
The little laptop that could, can't anymore. The computer I used to keep the library records went to digital nirvana after serving us well. I am looking for a replacement priced below $500 with the following specifications: 486 or faster processor, 4MB RAM, 500MB hard drive, 3.5" drive. If you have leads (or an old computer), let me know. A suitable donation would be cherished...

Thank you for the software
Our library is organized by Books Organizer v1.6 donated by PrimaSoft Software. We very much appreciate this generosity and ongoing support.

IDA polls astronomers on light pollution issues

   Dave Crawford, volunteer executive director of the International Dark-sky Association, has posted a questionnaire regarding the gravity and extent of light pollution worldwide. He invites all interested TVS members to answer the questions with as much detail as they wish. He wants to compile, "a good sampling of what light pollution is doing to people, and how badly it is affecting them." Dave plans to issue a rollup of the results at the International Astronomical Union meeting at Vienna in July. He is sending this poll to professional and amateur astronomers, university researchers, and other sample sets.

   To participate, point your browser to To communicate with Dave regarding this project, send an e-mail to him at

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