The SOHO satellite, lost in late June, has been located, but it is still not operating properly. Chances are slim that it will ever again return useful data. Images obtained before the satellite was lost showed two more sungrazing comets heading toward the Sun.
Comet Meunier-Dupouy passes opposition and enters the evening sky while Comet Linear stays some distance north. Periodic Comet Giacobini-Zinner brightens in our evening sky; it orbits the sun every 6.6 years.
Comet hunting notes: While comet hunting, I've always recorded the number of meteors I happen to observe passing through my field of view. On June 16 of this year I recorded my 10,000 telescopic meteor. The span of time was 6314 hours over the course of 23 years. The number of meteors I see per hour in the morning sky averages 1.9 while the evening sky averages 0.9. I also record the number of artificial satellites I see. The hourly rates for these has increased, and now exceeds the meteor rates. I made my 10,000th satellite sighting about a year ago.
C/1997 J2 (Meunier-Dupouy) Date (00UT) R.A. (2000) Dec El Sky Mag 09-04 21h18.7m +06d10' 153d E 11.5 09-09 21h14.3m +04d06' 150d E 11.6 09-14 21h10.7m +02d05' 145d E 11.6 09-19 21h07.0m +00d09' 141d E 11.7 09-24 21h04.1m -01d41' 135d E 11.8 09-29 21h01.8m -03d25' 130d E 11.9
21P/Giacobini-Zinner Date (00UT) R.A. (2000) Dec El Sky Mag 09-04 16h33.9m +18d40' 84d E 11.9 09-09 16h40.3m +17d13' 82d E 11.7 09-14 16h47.6m +15d40' 80d E 11.5 09-19 16h56.1m +14d03' 78d E 11.2 09-24 17h05.6m +12d22' 76d E 11.0 09-29 17h16.3m +10d35' 75d E 10.7
C/1998 M5 (Linear) Date (00UT) R.A. (2000) Dec El Sky Mag 09-04 21h02.3m +39d29' 127d E 10.7 09-09 20h45.5m +40d04' 124d E 10.6 09-14 20h29.0m +40d23' 120d E 10.5 09-19 20h13.3m +40d27' 116d E 10.5 09-24 19h58.6m +40d18' 112d E 10.4 09-29 19h45.4m +39d59' 108d E 10.3
Orbital Elements
Object: Giacobini-Zinner Meunier-Dupouy Linear Peri. Date: 1998 11 21.32107 1998 03 10.4365 1999 01 24.2795 Peri. Dist (AU): 1.0337095 AU 3.051015 AU 1.746824 AU Arg/Peri (2000): 172.54569 deg. 122.6755 deg. 101.0613 deg. Asc. Node (2000): 195.39930 deg. 148.8429 deg. 333.4006 deg. Incl (2000): 031.85856 deg. 091.2731 deg. 082.2524 deg. Eccen: 0.7064344 1.000760 1.0 Orbital Period: 6.61 years Long Period Long Period? Ref: NK 629 MPC 30738 MPC-1998-O04 Epoch: 1998 11 21 1998 03 08 1999 01 24 Absol. Mag/"n": 9.0/6.0 4.0/4.0 5.5/4.0