Saturn (53kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 5x Powermate, IR block
1/25 second, 100% gain
This is a high quality single raw frame
from one of the ToUcam videos. The
Cassini division is well defined, and
there is little evidence of pronounced
atmospheric distortion that afflicts many
other frames. With the 100% gain set-
ting, notice the pixelation in the image.


Saturn (30kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 2.5x Barlow, IR block
1/25 second, 50% gain
This is a high quality single raw frame
from one of the ToUcam videos.
Compared to the single raw frame
obtained using the 5x Powermate (to
the left), Saturn exhibits less noise.
Over the remainder of the frame less
pixelation is evident owing to the reduced
gain setting. This probably accounts
for the lack of further improvement by
stacking images from additional videos.
Saturn (12kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 5x Powermate, IR block
1/25 second, 100% gain
This is the raw image from combining
all 598 frames from the ToUcam video
that contained the above raw frame.
This raw image was combined with raw
images in an additional RegiStax session
to yield the images at the top of the page. |


Saturn (11kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 2.5x Barlow, IR block
1/25 second, 50% gain
This is the raw image from combining
all 280 frames from the ToUcam video
that contained the above raw frame.
Saturn (23kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 5x Powermate, IR block
1/25 second, 100% gain
598 frames from 1 video
This is the result of applying the six
linear wavelet filters of magnitude 1, 3,
10, 10, 10, and 10. Notice the improved
contrast compared to the image above.


Saturn (12kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 2.5x Barlow, IR block
1/25 second, 50% gain
280 frames from 1 video
This is the result of applying the six
linear wavelet filters of magnitude 1, 3,
10, 10, 10, and 10. Notice the improved
contrast compared to the image above.
Saturn (13kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 5x Powermate, IR block
1/25 second, 100% gain
598 frames from 1 video
Further definition is obtained by reducing
the Gamma setting to 0.7. The belts and
zones and the Cassini Division have
better definition.


Saturn (11kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 2.5x Barlow, IR block
1/25 second, 50% gain
280 frames from 1 video
Further definition is obtained by reducing
the Gamma setting to 0.5. The belts and
zones and the Cassini Division have
better definition.
Saturn (13kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 5x Powermate, IR block
1/25 second, 100% gain
598 frames from 1 video
Gamma=0.7, Unsharp mask of radius 3
Finally, I apply an unsharp mask of
radius 3. Application of the unsharp mask
is balance between further improvements
in contrast and degradation due to grain.


Saturn (11kb)
22 January 2004
4" Takahashi, 2.5x Barlow, IR block
1/25 second, 50% gain
280 frames from 1 video
Gamma=0.5, Unsharp mask of radius 3
Application of the unsharp mask at this
image scale results in excessive contrast.