The Milky Way
in Sagittarius (568kb)
23 July 1995 (15 minutes)
50mm lens, f.2.8, Kodak Gold 200ASA
Sky-1A Filter |
M8/M20 (70kb)
The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae
5 August 2002, 5:59-6:59UT (1 hour)
Takahashi 4" f/6, hypered PPF
IDAS Light pollution filter |
M20 (222kb)
The Trifid Nebula
Blue channel stretched to emphasize the
reflection nebula
8 June 1997, 8:13-8:58UT (45 minutes)
Meade SCT 10" f/6.3, hypered PPF
Deep-Sky filter |
M8 (44kb)
The Lagoon Nebula
Meade SCT 10" f/6.3, hypered PPF
Deep-Sky filter |
M16 (672kb)
The Eagle Nebula
4 July 2000, 5:52-7:22 (90 minutes)
Takahashi 4" f/8, hypered PPF
Deep-Sky filter |
M16 (672kb)
The Eagle Nebula
Improvement due to image processing
4 July 2000, 5:52-7:22 (90 minutes)
Takahashi 4" f/8, hypered PPF
Deep-Sky filter |
M16 (108kb)
The Eagle Nebula
22 July 1998
Takahashi 4" f/8, hypered PPF
Deep-Sky filter |
M16 (28kb)
The Eagle Nebula/The Pillars of Creation
Scan of central portion of print
22 July 1998
Takahashi 4" f/8, hypered PPF
Deep-Sky filter |
M17 (37kb)
The Swan Nebula
Controlled experiment showing PJM
does not perform as well as PPF
2 August 1997, 5:32-6:02UT (30 minutes)
Meade SCT 10" f/6.3, hypered PJM
Deep-Sky filter |
M17 (30kb)
The Swan Nebula
Controlled experiment showing PPF
outperforms PJM from emission nebula
2 August 1997, 6:47-7:17UT (30 minutes)
Meade SCT 10" f/6.3, hypered PPF
Deep-Sky filter |