Images taken with Lunt LS60 or Lunt LS100 in single stack or double stack mode as indicated near the image.
Recording with ASI174. Typically 10% to 20% of 750 / 1000 / 2000 frames stacked in AutoStakkert!3 wavelet sharpening in Registax 6 and finishing in Photoshop CS2.
Time-lapse videos with Python script and ffmpeg.
2020-12-29 18:26UT. Probably the last solar observation entry into this year's blog. Finally some good activity on the surface and prominences.
Following some surface and prominence detail recorded with 2.5x Barlow lens.
2020-11-26 18:25UT. Just two days after the previous observation the activity region had moved into a better position. Unfortunately the seeing was much worse that day, so it only made sense to show an overview image.
The individual detail frames were degraded by seeing, however as a time lapse video the eye seems to compensate quite efficiently and the video still looks OK. About 1hr 20min of images ere combined into the video.
2020-11-24 19:18UT. We are definitely seeing some nice activity here with a new active region moving into view from prev. observation.
We are following the active region over 2hrs. During the time 120 individual images were processed and combined into a time lapse video
2020-11-24 19:23UT and 19:33UT. We are looking at two prominences at the edge of the solar disk. The overexposed disk is blacked out in the photo editing software
2020-11-15 18:45UT. After a long time of inactivity there were a few prominences and a small active region on the disk of the Sun. First an overview of the whole solar disk and then the prominence.
The edge prominence as recorded 19:00UT the same day.
From a series of 82 AVIs of the active region on the disk I tried to show some dynamics in the region. Unfortunately there was no activity in the observation time frame.
2020-08-08 19:05UT. There was a small sunspot and a prominence so it was time to get some images and later a time-lapse of the prominence. First the full disk image. This is a composite of two exposures individually for surface and prominence detail.
Here a detail of the sunspot and the prominence animation.
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The Prominence was imaged with 2.5x barlow lens, Each indiv. image 10%/2000 frames at about once recording per minute. The total time covered is about 1hr from 18:56UT to 20:01UT |
2020-07-06 19:32UT. There is still not much solar activity. Today the images were recorded to test the updated driver for the focuser and mount connection. Really not much to say about detail on the Sun.
Zooming in on the little filament detail above center
2020-01-05 18:56UT to 20:24UT. The first observation for the 2020 campaign. We are clearly in the solar minimum. Not much activity at all. The Sun is low in the sky and the seeing is variable from average to very bad. I recorded about 90 AVI sequences of 2000 frames each. With 10% usage rate stacking was done in AutoSakkert!3 and sharpening in Registax 6. Some further processing with python scripts and Photoshop. Finally ffmpeg was used to make a time-lapse of the about 90min. span.
Copyright images and processing Gert Gottschalk.
Copyright Bilder und Verarbeitung Gert Gottschalk
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