Comet Comments Don Machholz

   Comet LINEAR (1999 J3) heads south rapidly, while Comet Lee fades in the evening sky. Periodic Comet Machholz 2 reappears for its first return since it was discovered in August 1994.  In 1994 the comet was ahead of Earth in its orbit. This time it trails behind, remaining at a declination of -11 for several months.  Robert McNaught recovered it Aug. 3 at magnitude 21.

   In the past month the SOHO satellite found two more comets. One was found on Sept. 4, the second on Sept. 16. A new comet was found by Robert McNaught and F. Watson using the U.K. Schmidt Camera in Australia.  It will remain faint, as will a couple of instrument-

discovered comets found recently.  Another comet, 1999 S4 (LINEAR), is presently at magnitude 15 but may brighten up to naked-eye visibility by the middle of next year.

COMET HUNTING NOTES:  Until three years ago, the search for Near-Earth Objects (NEO's) was carried out in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In 1996, the Australian government stopped funding the Southern Hemisphere search. But recently the Southern Hemisphere search was re-funded and it should begin again soon.  Robert McNaught will manage it and all the equipment is being updated.

Ephemerides  (Continued on page 6)